4 ways Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud virtual cards simplify subscription management

Cloud services are here to stay. While costs are low, they can still add up fast. Virtual cards can help you stay on top of your cloud services and never miss a payment again.

Stacy Kanevskaia
- 2 min read

AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure are the most popular on-demand cloud computing platforms for technology teams. Once you provide your credit card information, you can forget about it. As your business grows, usage of CPUs and memory continues to increase.

Subscriptions can quickly run into hundreds — or even thousands — of dollars a month. The business is at risk of constant overspending.

How to avoid paying more than you expect for your cloud subscription?

Using virtual credit cards is the best way to stay on top of monthly subscription fees. Here's why:

  • It's important to create a dedicated virtual credit card for Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud separately. Each virtual card has a unique number and CVV code, so it's safer than traditional credit cards.
  • A specific monthly limit for each virtual credit card will help you avoid overspending.

Manage your AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud service subscriptions with Karta virtual cards

Karta enables you to quickly create and track virtual credit cards for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud subscription costs as a separate expense center.

Create a virtual card for each cloud service

Karta's VCC for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud allows you to separate your subscription payments seamlessly. All Karta cards have unique details, trusted BIN numbers, and 3D security and are perfect for subscription payments.

Set up a monthly estimated spend limit to keeping costs under control

With a flexible spending limit, you can stick to your budget. If additional storage space is needed, the card’s spending limit can be changed at anytime.

Separate cloud subscription expenses in specific budgets

Create different budgets to divide expenses by VCC for Google Cloud, AWS, and Azure and monitor spending for each separately.

Track your monthly spending in real time

Get a clear picture of your subscription payments by budget, card, and transaction, and make faster decisions about where to raise/lower costs with your virtual credit card for Google Cloud, AWS, and Azure.

Put on stop cloud subscriptions overspending with Karta

With our VCC for Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud, you can manage all subscriptions in one place, saving you time and money. You'll get a bird's-eye view of all your cloud services in one place and never have to worry about missing payments again!

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